Breakfast Buddies
Our popular breakfast club operates daily from 8.00am until the school bell at 8:50am. Children eat varied and healthy breakfast choices and then enjoy games and activities with friends in the school hall.
Breakfasts are provided in house and consist of cereal, toast, fruit, yoghurt, orange/apple juice or milk. The club is staffed by our breakfast club supervisors, Mrs O’Donnell and Mrs Roberts.
All children in main school (not Nursery) are eligible to attend. Ours is a 30 place breakfast club.
You need to book a place at Breakfast Buddies for a half term in advance, via the My Child at School app. You do not have to book for the full five days – it can be for one or more days to suit your requirements.
Payment details
- Fees must be paid in advance for each half term. Unfortunately we are unable to refund for non-attendance (for any reason).
- Please pay via the My Child at School app (see school payment systems).
- The fees for 2022-23 are £3.00 per day, payable half-termly in advance.
- To find out more or to book a place for your child, please contact Mrs. Fellows in the school office.