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A uniform is more than a badge or item of clothing, it gives a sense of belonging. We believe that the best uniform is one that is high quality, but most importantly – affordable for parents.

A uniform provides children with a routine that will benefit them as they move forward in their education. We have high expectations of all our pupils, and this includes uniform. All pupils are expected to attend in full uniform, unless alternative prior arrangements have been made (e.g due to sensory issues or an injury).


Our uniform can be purchased from Fairway Graphics, or from local supermarkets.

Fairway Graphics will also provide a badge printing service on items not bought through them.


Normanton Uniform Exchange provides pre-loved uniform and is well worth a visit.

Uniform Information

Below is more information about our uniform. Our school colours are Navy Blue and Green and these are reflected in the uniform and logo.

We expect school uniform to be worn by all pupils, not just because it looks smart but because it adds to a sense of “belonging” to our school family. The following list of clothing is flexible enough to allow some element of choice whilst remaining sufficiently uniform.


Please ensure that all items of uniform and PE kit are labelled with your child’s name.

Please check regularly after washing that names are still visible.

Parents should choose from (see below for a list of suppliers):

  • White or blue polo shirt
  • Navy sweatshirt or fleece with school logo (not hoodies)
  • Navy cardigan with school logo
  • Plain navy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan (no logo)
  • Navy trousers (any material except denim)
  • Navy trouser shorts (not sports shorts) in warmer weather
  • Navy skirt, culottes or pinafore (any material except denim)
  • Blue gingham or striped school dress in warmer weather
  • Navy or white socks or navy tights
  • Black school shoes (not trainers) with a sensible low heel (NOT higher than 2 cms). Children wearing unsuitable shoes, boots or muddy shoes will be asked to change into their PE plimsolls. Please ensure that your child can tie their own laces if you buy them lace up shoes.


Warmer weather

Pupils may wear navy trouser shorts (not sports shorts) and white or blue polo shirts or plain white or blue tee-shirts (with or without logo).  Pupils may wear a blue gingham or striped school dress. Pupils may wear a sun hat.


Instead of school shoes pupils may wear sandals in the summer. These must fully support the foot and should be a suitable style and colour which is in-keeping with the school shoes expectation, with a low heel. Trainers, flip-flops or crocs are not suitable footwear for school.


Colder weather

It is very important that all pupils have a suitably warm coat, gloves and a hat in the colder months and especially throughout winter. Please ensure these and named. If boots that are higher than the ankle are worn, the pupil must have a pair of shoes or plimsolls to change into in school.


Where can I buy school uniform items?

Normanton School Uniform Exchange

The Normanton School Uniform Exchange is a voluntary scheme which provides good quality, second-hand uniform for free. Donations of unwanted uniforms are made available to anyone that needs it at no cost. Simply email normyuniform@gmail.com with a list of what you need, then every Tuesday they will bag up the items they have available and arrange for collection. They also have a Facebook Group which you may want to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/1731718387000531.

Donations of unwanted uniform can be dropped off in the collection bin at Normanton Library, they are open daily except Wednesday and Sunday.



PE kit

PE kit should be brought to school each Monday. Children require the following PE clothing which is available from our school suppliers, or may be purchased at any major chain stores:

  • Navy close fitting sports shorts
  • Plain white round necked tee shirt
  • Plain black tracksuit bottoms and black sweatshirt to wear on top of the PE kit. Children will wear this to school on PE days.
  • Black plimsolls for indoor and plain trainers for outdoor lessons.
  • White socks
  • Long hair MUST be tied back for all PE lessons and sporting activities.


  • Children are not permitted to wear jewellery, including pierced earrings, during PE lessons. Teachers are not allowed to take out or replace children’s earrings if they are unable to do so themselves. It would therefore be helpful if earrings could be taken out at home on PE days. Children are not allowed to put tape on their ears.


Year 5 pupils swim once a week. The following kit should be brought to school in a plastic bag on swimming day – Monday:

  • Girls one piece swimming costume – not a bikini.
  • Boys swimming trunks or close fitting shorts – not baggy shorts as they can fill with water and can impede swimming.
  • All children need to bring a towel and a hair brush or comb. Children are not allowed to bring deodorant, talc or hair products to the swimming baths. Ear studs must be left at home on swimming days.


Jewellery, hair and make-up

No jewellery is to be worn apart from one pair of small plain round studs in the lobes of pierced ears. For health and safety reasons on PE days, parents must remove children’s studs before school or children must remove within school. Children will not be allowed to swim wearing ear studs. No other body piercing is acceptable in school.


Watches may be worn as long as parents accept that we can take no responsibility if they get lost when children removed them for PE. Toy type watches or smart watches are unsuitable for school and should not be brought in.


Children are not allowed to wear nail varnish, false nails or make-up in school. They must not have tattoos (permanent or temporary).


Pupils with long hair should have it tied back for school to stop it getting in the way during lessons and to minimise the risk of catching headlice. Hair should be tied back with a plain bobble or headband, high fashion hair accessories are not part of our uniform and should not be worn.

School Uniform

School Uniform

  • Navy jumper, cardigan or fleece
  • White or pale blue polo shirt
  • Navy blue trousers or tailored shorts
  • Navy blue skirt or pinafore
  • Navy and white summer dress
  • Smart and comfortable black shoes

PE Kit

PE Kit

Children should come to school on PE days wearing:

  • Black sweatshirt
  • Black joggers

This will be worn over the PE kit, which consists of:

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Plain black or navy sports shorts
  • Plain black gym leggings


  • Long hair must be tied back
  • All jewellery must be removed



  • Swimming Shorts (no long shorts, above the knee)
  • One-Piece Swimming Costume
  • Towel
  • Bag for Wet Items
  • Long Hair Must Be Tied Back
  • Jewellery Must Be Removed

Restricted Items

The following items are not allowed to be worn in school. If pupils are wearing any of these items, they will be asked to remove them and parents contacted.

  • Football (or other sports), or heavily branded sports shirts for PE
  • T-Shirts, tracksuit tops and hoodies for normal school uniform (unless a leavers’ hoodie)
  • ‘Pretend or transfer’ tattoos
  • Nail varnish or false nails on fingers or toes
  • Make-up of any kind
  • Open-toed shoes, sandals or flip flops


  • Pupils may wear one small pair of stud earrings, but these must be able to be removed independently for PE. Any piercings must be done at the start of the summer holidays so that they have time to heal over the 6 weeks break
  • Sensible and safe watches can be worn in school, but are worn at the owner’s risk
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