Our vision
Our vision is a simple one – every child who attends our school can expect and will receive an excellent standard of education, one that enables them to shine as individuals, make a positive contribution and reach their full potential.
Our school aims to:
- provide a welcoming, safe, well disciplined and stimulating learning environment
- help pupils develop lively enquiring minds, the ability to question and argue rationally and apply themselves with increasing independence and confidence
- encourage all pupils to adopt safe and healthy lifestyles
- encourage and develop moral qualities such as honesty, trust and respect for others
- achieve high standards across the curriculum
- recognise and celebrate achievements in all areas of school life
- promote well developed communication and social skills
- help pupils develop an understanding and respect of a wide range of religious values and cultural traditions
- provide equal opportunities for everyone
- promote British Values and prepare pupils for life in modern Britain
- help pupils appreciate human achievements and aspirations
- ensure a partnership with all parents in the interest of their child’s learning
- foster and maintain links with the wider community
View our Rights and Responsibility framework here.
View our school Behaviour Code here.
Our Curriculum Intent Statement
The intent underpinning our curriculum is a simple one: to achieve the very best outcomes for each pupil in our school.
Through our school curriculum we teach our children to be:
Active learners who …
- Develop their independence and skills to work in collaboration with others
- Take pride in themselves and their work.
- Are ambitious and confident learners.
- Show engagement in their learning, asking questions and showing enthusiasm
- Show resilience – when things get tough, they don’t give up!
Active citizens who …
- Are caring, considerate and tolerant
- Value themselves, others, their environment and their world
- Celebrate differences
- Take care of their physical health and mental wellbeing
Active communicators who …
- Recognise the importance of developing their vocabulary
- Engage in wider experiences to inspire, enthuse and challenge themselves
- Make use of opportunities for language to share their learning and feelings
Challenge and Educate
Throughout our curriculum we promote a ‘Challenge & Educate’ philosophy. Through studying a range of people from the past and present, locally and globally, children are taught to challenge stereotypes connected to gender, wealth, disability, cultural and religious background and are educated that differences should be celebrated and are not a barrier to achievement or relationships.